Your donations enable the Foundation to realise a future free from bowel disease and free from the fear of bowel disease.
St Mark’s Hospital Foundation does not receive NHS funding. Hence, individual donors are key to the continued success of the Foundation and have helped us grow and expand. It is thanks to the generosity of donors that the Foundation has been able to facilitate a plethora of multidisciplinary medical research projects.
How to donate
Any donation, whether a one off donation or a regular gift, is greatly appreciated and is vital in helping create a future free from the fear of bowel disease. You can make a one off donate online or sign up to become a regular giver.
Alternatively, cheques and charity vouchers can be posted to;
St Mark’s Hospital Foundation
Room ENT-25
St Mark’s Hospital
Central Middlesex
Acton Lane
NW10 7NS
Further, if the donation is eligible for gift aid, please complete a Gift Aid form so that the Foundation may benefit further from the donation at no added cost. Note that our new email address is [email protected]